There is a distinct difference between returns on investment (ROI) in a call center. You can classify them as hard and soft ROIs. The hard ROI measures the call center services in terms of money. For example, if you use a particular technology at the call centers, you will be able to save a certain amount of money every year. On the other hard, the soft ROI means the customer satisfaction level at the call center customer service. You cannot measure that in monetary terms but it definitely has a strong bearing on the revenue earning of the company. The trick for success at the BPO is to convert these soft ROI figures into hard ROI ones.
How can call center units do that? The call centers have to break down the organizational goals into responsibility for the individual agents. That way, each call center agent will be able to understand what kind of role they are expected to perform. If they feel that sense of belonging with the BPO, they will work towards making that additional effort. Otherwise, the BPO agent goes back home without feeling any sense of attachment to the organization. They feel that they hold a post that can be easily substituted. That affects the attrition rate as well.