How do you promote productivity amongst agents? As much as we’d like to believe that doing the job, doing it well, and knowing that by doing so you’re helping people is enough incentive, the reality is that agents want more.
In a large contact center, it’s easy for individual agents to get lost in the masses – which is why step number one to ensure agent contentment, continued productivity and retention is creating a boutique atmosphere with a limited number of seats. For example, having 2 locations with less than 200 seats is better than one location with 400+.
Do you hold contests in your center? What about community activity days? These simple things will allow agents to interact with others in the contact center including floor managers, human resources, marketing and business development. In short, it will help them see the larger picture that this is a business, it is a business of serving people, and that other employees in the company recognize the hard work agents put in to their jobs in order for the rest of the company to thrive.
Another favorite way to promote productivity is to recognize a job well done. What does your contact center do when it receives a thank-you for a job well done by an agent, from either the customer who called in, or the client who was represented on the call? Hopefully, you forward that message on to the entire team! “Hey everyone, look at the amazing job Sue did today and the thanks we received. Well done Sue – keep up the good work!” Wouldn’t you like it if every time your boss thought you did something well, he/she emailed the entire company telling them of your achievement? Thought so.
These are just a few of my favorite ways of promoting agent productivity. If you have any others, I’d love to hear them!
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