
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Compliance Necessary for BPO Hiring

When hiring for call center units, the skills and the experience of a BPO agent is not everything that we look at. We have a keen eye on something that we believe is compliance. By compliance we mean the new recruits abilities to adhere and follow our call center services and practices. We are a premiere BPO service unit. It goes without saying that we have the reputation of being dedicated to the cause of industry-recommended telemarketing practices. We do not like to associate ourselves with any individual who takes anything but the approved methods of doing business. Black-hat techniques are a strict no-no for us.

It’s not just that call center processes that we like to have the new hires compliant with. Our company wants to be associated with BPO agents who work as a team. We like to get those telemarketing agents on board who like to contribute to the team effort as much as they like to go solo. We wouldn’t like to have anyone that goes against this feeling of bonhomie and camaraderie on the floor. We are always interested in building a team that stands up to the challenges of the business process outsourcing sector as one single unit. This is a major compliance issue with us. Our HR managers always make it a point to hire people that are easy to work with and those who will conform to the rules and decorum of the organization.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Predicting Call Volume in Call Center

A major task of the call center experts in a BPO is to predict the call volume according to the existing trends. There is a number of software that can help one calculate the statistics to make a judicious assumption. However, sometimes, the experts leave out certain aspects of the telemarketing cycle and that is where they make errors in predicting the right call volume. For example, when there are holidays or special cases when the consumers in general are expected to be busy in other matters, the call volume will dip. Similarly, when the products/services that the telemarketing services are selling have something to do with the event of the day, the call volume will shoot up. The BPO service experts have to modulate that.

It’s important to check the call volume at the inbound call center desk because the BPO managers will schedule shifts accordingly. Too many agents in the answering service team would mean that many of them will not have many calls to receive. So, they have to sit idle and that is taxing on the resources of the BPO service unit. In the same vein, too less number of agents would mean that there is too much of pressure on the phone answering agents. That would increase the hold time and the callers will not be able to have the kind of customer care experience that they are looking for. We are very particular about it.

Better Use of Emails in Lead Generation

The use of emails is an important aspect of lead generation, especially in the B2B sector. When it’s business heads and entrepreneurs you are communicating with, emails make more sense than just telemarketing calls. In fact, in our B2B projects, we have realized that emails may not clinch the deal for you, but it does make it possible for the outbound call center agents to hold more fruitful discussions with their prospective clients. The calls made by the BPO agents hold more value when the agents leave an email before they call up. In fact, we have used these emails as reference points at several times during the course of our sales lead generation.

The ideal way to do is to leave an email with the required details of your offers and price quotes. The lead generation procedure through emails is not complete if you do not attach contact information in the email. If the receiver is interested in the call center services, they call back or reply through the same medium. We do understand that entrepreneurs and people who run companies are busy. So we follow up our emails with telephone calls. If the calls go unanswered, we also try to contact them through other emails. If the business head subscribes to our business correspondence, we deliver them to their inboxes.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Outbound Call Center in Demand

The outbound call center desk is coming into heavy demand these days. Gone are the times when the answering service was more actively into telemarketing. Helios Outsourcing has noted a sharp rise in the number of business firms that want lead generation services in the present times. The growth in this demand can be attributed to the fact that every business firm wants to grow these days. They want more subscribers added to the list and they also want to expand their sales database. This particular division of the call center services menu is actively into doing exactly that: sales lead generation. The encouraging part for the industry is that start-ups are realizing their importance too.

Helios Outsourcing encourage new business set-ups to come and work with us. To make sure that they do not hold back because of the charges of working with a premiere call center, we keep our call center services extremely competitive in terms of prices. The best part about tying up with a new set-up is that they are willing to try out new things in telemarketing and lead generation. They have fresh ideas and they are willing to experiment with whatever resources that they have on hand. We find a lot of motivation to work on projects that give us the opportunity to push the envelope and see how far we can go ahead with our BPO service.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Diversification in Call Center Operations

Call centers have to diversify in order to survive. Projects in any one field are not enough to keep feeding a BPO firm for long. The way out is to take on BPO service projects in other areas as well. For example, the mortgage industry has been hit hard by the recession. There are hardly any clients or customers to carry out telemarketing services. The call center units doing mortgage projects have branched out to include retail and maybe even insurance in their clientele. As a result, they have a flow of projects coming in from different quarters. They are not running try as many of the telemarketing firms that have fallen under the same unfortunate slot.

The reason for diversification is different for Helios Outsourcing. Over here, we channel out to include more clients in our call center oeuvre. We are always looking for challenges and the opportunity to do something different. We believe pushing the envelope beyond the telemarketing sector. We have included call center services like social media networking and web marketing and search engine optimization.

We create and optimize websites for lead generation. Web 2.0 offers amazing opportunities for us to tap into. Our able team of BPO planners have their thinking caps on at all times. Their aim is to make our call centers go beyond the limitations that we are perceived to be in.