
Thursday, December 16, 2010

B2B Lead Generation through Professional Networks

The use of professional networks is an up and coming tool for B2B lead generation. Professionals across the globe are steadily signing up for professional networking websites like LinkedIn and Facebook. Their aim is to stay in touch with colleagues and co-workers from the past and also the present. The network helps them source for jobs, share ideas and also take part in meaningful discussions about their professional. Call center agents can interact with the decision makers of business firms. Talking strictly in a professional manner, they can convince them as to why they need the telemarketing services of the BPO unit.

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B2B lead generation is a tad difficult than the usual sales lead generation that the outbound call center agents does. In this process, the call center agents have to be careful about what they are writing and talking about. Because they are dealing with top-notch business executives, any error in pitching for telemarketing projects can be the reason why you missed out on the deal. Trying too hard to seal it off will also come across as desperate. You have to strike a fine balance between being laid back and too aggressive. Follow up your emails with phone calls and keep the lead warm, advises experts.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

BPO Predictions That Came True

There are a couple of BPO predictions that have come true in 2010. Experts in the call center industry had predicted that the volume of business process outsourcing business will increase as the recession weakens. That is exactly what happened. As the business firms in the countries like USA and UK got back into the cash-rich model of business, they were more open to hiring call centers for customer services and lead generation. The fresh demand for call center services managed to salvage many BPO companies from going down. There were more telemarketing projects for the smaller firms to work on and stay afloat.

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The second prediction for the call center industry was that smaller and mid-level companies will take to hiring call centers. In the initial days of BPO work, only the high-end companies would hire call center services. But the ability to afford the low-cost customer services and lead generation has made it possible for the smaller firms to get call center partners onboard. This has further expanded the volume of telemarketing services that was there to be done. More projects meant better revenue for the business process outsourcing industry. That is what explains the stupendous success of the industry in 2010. Hope there’s more to follow in the coming year!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Customer-oriented Lead Generation

Lead generation campaigns can be better managed affairs if the call centers doing those focus on the customers. Too many call center units spend their resources in trying all the sales lead generation tools that they know of. They feel that they can tap all the tools available and make a deeper impact on the profit graph. However that is a flawed concept. We have noticed that telemarketing campaigns can yield better returns on investment (ROI) for most BPO units if they strategize their marketing mix according to the customers that they are planning to target. The procedures that they want to follow depend on the nature of the telemarketing services that they are hoping to provide.

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Helios Outsourcing has done lead generation projects for B2B and B2C clients. There is a marked difference in how a call center should approach these disparate areas of sales lead generation. While online lead generation may work for a business that is selling services that cater to an elite class of consumers, telemarketing calls are more suited for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). That is why it is important to choose the right tool and that is to be determined solely by the consumers that you hoping to target.