
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Home-based Answering Service

The BPO sector has always been a mutating industry. Trends change here before they can dig in their heels and settle down! With the availability of faster internet at almost all places, the concept of working from home has caught on in the call center world. Answering service agents now have the liberty of working from home with just a computer and a high-speed internet. While this trend has not really found a favor with Helios outsourcing Services, we are a BPO service firm that never says never! We are keeping close watch on an interesting emerging trend: we noted that happy phone answering agents make for happy customers as well. When the agent feels good about working from home, that good feeling translates to something positive when they are interacting with the customers.

Home-based answering service agents have some factors going for them. Generally the more experienced and matured phone answering agents take on the task of working from home. So, the call center can get the chance of working with someone who knows the job well. BPO agents also produce more when they are working from home. That is so because they are not distracted by the buzz of activity around them in the office. They also save up on commuting time. Such agents also tend to stick to a particular BPO service firm. They do not change jobs once they get settled. If you consider the agents working from the office, they have this tendency to look for a change every now and then. The retention rate is much higher for work-from-home agents.

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