
Friday, October 15, 2010

Long and Short Terms of BPO

Every business has different techniques when it comes to long and short terms. The business that is visionary will never compromise the long term gains for short term benefits. In BPO parlance, this holds true as well. We have noted how some short term methods damage the prospects for the future. A basic example is how telemarketing services of some call centers violate the telemarketing laws to get more customers to their kitty. In due course, the law enforcers get wind and crack down on the call center. The damage causes a dent in the image that can never be straightened out. If the firm had done the right process, they would have done better.

Long and Short Terms of BPO

Helios Outsourcing has planners who think of how certain call center services will be useful for us in the future. When the telemarketing market was under threat because of a weakening economy, we had our software development and web marketing services launched. They did well on their own and supported the revenue generation. We found more sense in venturing out into fresh territory than try to do something impossible and lose our advantage as a premiere BPO service provider. We are committed to do something different each time and we believe that short and long terms goals should complement each other.

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